For those formerly associated with the Ford of Europe Systems Office, or its successor organisations.
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Pictures on this page have been re-sequenced to place the newest first and the oldest last.
Nhagii post-Christmas lunch at the Magic Mushroom Restaurant, Billericay in January 2025:
Standing: Richard Thwaite, Bill Fairclough, Bob Johnson, John Greenway, John Saville,
Simon ClarK, Peter Greene, Phil Adcock & Brian Lee.
Seated: Jeff Eglise, Bob Golder, John Harvey, Cyril Platman, Reg Thompson & Norman Lyons.
Nhagii lunch at a new venue, the Bakers Arms, Stock in July 2024: Brian Lee, Bob Golder, Bill Fairclough, John Greenway, Norman Lyons, Cyril Platman, Reg Thompson & John Saville.
Nhagii lunch at the Six Bells Restaurant, Boreham in January
Norman Lyons, Bob Golder, Peter Greene, Mike Dryland,
John Saville, Bill Fairclough, Phil Adcock, John Harvey, Bob
Johnson, Reg Thompson, John Greenway, Brian Lee & Cyril Platman.
Enlarge pictures here.
Nhagii lunch for Norman Lewis at the Six Bells Restaurant,
Boreham in July 2022:
Mike Nel, Bill Fairclough, Bob Golder,
Norman Lyons, John Greenway, Brian Lee, Peter Greene, John Harvey,
Norman Lewis, John Saville & Cyril Platman.
Nhagii lunch at the Six Bells Restaurant, Boreham in March
Brian Lee, Reg Thompson. Richard Thwaite, John Saville,
Tig Hyett, Norman Lyons, Peter Greene, John Harvey & John Greenway.
Nhagii post-lockdown lunch at the Six Bells Restaurant,Boreham
in October 2021:
Brian Lee, Bob Johnson, Simon Clark, John
Greenway, Bob Golder, Bill Fairclough, Rod Edwards & Mike Dryland.
Nhagii post-Christmas lunch at the Magic Mushroom Restaurant,
Billericay in January 2020:
Bob Golder, Roy Smith, Rod Edwards,
John Saville, Brian Lee, Norman Lyons, Cyril Platman, John Harvey,
Reg Thompson, Peter Greene, John Greenway & Bill Fairclough.
Nhagii entertains a distinguished Michigan visitor at
The Bell at Woodham Walter in June, 2019:
Bob Golder, Peter
Greene, Cyril Platman, Norman Lewis, Roy Smith, Reg Thompson,
John Saville & John Greenway.
The Nhagii post-Christmas lunch at The Bell at Woodham Walter
in January, 2019:
Bill Fairclough, Norman Lyons, Peter Greene,
Brian Lee, Robert Myers, John Greenway, Bob Golder, Tony Drozdowicz,
John Saville, Rod Edwards, Reg Thompson, Cyril Platman & Mike
IT veterans meet for lunch in Köln in October 2018: Oscar Scheit, Ferdi Litauer, Horst Gierlich, Walter Drews, Franz Obladen, Herrmann Fritz, Günther Schomens, Alfons Kloeck, Dieter Rücker, Reinhard Bertuleit & Pepe Sanchez.
Friends of Nhagii at their post-Christmas lunch at The Bell, Woodham Walter in January 2018:
Back row
John Harvey, John Greenway, Simon Clark, Bob Golder, Norman Lyons, Brian Lee & Mike Dryland.
Front row
Reg Thompson, Tig Hyett, Peter Greene, Bill Fairclough, John Buchanan, Cyril Platman & John Saville (not shown).
The Nhagii post-Christmas lunch at the Magic Mushroom Restaurant, Billericay in January 2014:
Back row
Bill Fairclough, Mike Dryland, John Harvey & Tony Hodgson.
2nd row
Bob Golder, Peter Greene, John Greenway, Roy Smith & Cyril Platman.
Front row
John Buchanan, Rod Edwards, Reg Thompson, Brian Lee & Norman Lyons.
Norman Lewis with former colleagues in 2003: John Harvey, Mick Linsell, Bob Johnson, Norman Lewis, Chris Williams, John Saville, Peter Greene, Mike Dryland, Norman Lyons, Cyril Platman, Reg Thomas, Gordon Wilford & Bob Golder.
Nhagii founders in 2002: Bob Johnson, Jurgen Schmidt, Peter Greene, Dave Medcraft, John Harvey, Norman Lewis, Malcolm Perry, Adrian Groves, Cyril Platman, Reg Thompson, Gordon Wilford & Mike Dryland.
Friend of Nhagii, Norman Lewis photographed in the 1960s.